I just want to say: this picture inspired me to sketch up a creepy Dead Hand pic, also! xD
Thanks for the inspiration / nightmare fuel!
Yours is one of the best references I've been able to find of this guy.
I just want to say: this picture inspired me to sketch up a creepy Dead Hand pic, also! xD
Thanks for the inspiration / nightmare fuel!
Yours is one of the best references I've been able to find of this guy.
You're welcome and good luck with your drawing, make sure to post it on your page so I can see it and leave a comment for you too!! :)
Mweep. Mweep. Mweep. Mweep.
I can't look at this guy without flashbacks of a 12 year old me waiting for this guy to scoot over.
Loving your art, man!
What kind of a textured brush did you end up using for the textures in his skin...?
If they were downloads, would you care to share? I was itchin' to do a zora piece, myself!
Awesome job, and grats on the frontpager!
I used a smooth round brush and did all the dots myself. I will post up screenshots of my brush settings on my Photoshop blog soon :) it will be much easier than telling you here haha.
You really do justice to Ganondorf's dark, intimidating disposition. Lovin' the level of detail you used here, from the fine chain holding up the medallion on his forehead, to the cold stare paired with glowing red eyes. I'm actually really hoping that you're planning on releasing some big top secret project in 2013..!! xD
Now, this is totally my own humble opinion, so don't take this the wrong way, but one thing that seems to catch my eye in a negative way, is the roundness of his facial features, and/or lack of sharp, masculine characteristics (e.x: stubble). What I'm trying to say, is that he almost has a 'pouty' expression on his face. ...But that's just lil' old me!!
I can't draw big scary dudes for the life of me, so as far as I'm concerned, this is better than I could do! xD
Cheers for that :)
But yeah I know what you mean - I was going for the older evil wizard look rather than the muscular/manly look so thats probably why. Personally though I am still learning and doing studies to get better with anatomy so who knows... maybe later down the road il do another of him :P. As for the stubble... Every image I see of him (with the beard version) seems to be that his beard just appears and doesnt graduate into his face too much, there are strands implied but i didnt go to town with it - was just trying to stick to the original. Thanks though :) was going for intimidating :)
There's a familiar face on the frontpage...!
Glad to see you've completed the quartet! Good stuff!
The only thing that seems off to me is the thickness of his ankles and wrists. I'd imagine they'd be beefier, but that's just lil' old me. :B
Grats on the frontpager, btw!!
cheers sab! i know what you mean the helmet is a lil slanted too
Bristol board..?
Holy damn. Was this a school project?
32 inches is huge..! Some of my biggest work from my art courses were around that size..! lol I'm guessing you inked it on bristol board and then added a little colour digitally?
Either way, lovin' your take on the Batman crew. Very spiffy.
Great job overall. I really can't find anything negative/constructive to say, so I guess this review's gonna be nothing but compliments!
First off, the contrast of green and pink is really eye-catching and appealing aesthetically. Caught my eye the second I scrolled down on the frontpage! Love the composition in general, too! She's melding into the tree, it seems, so bonus points for not making that look awkward.
Full scores from me!
You could spend like 2 minutes on an art submission, and I'd still probably end up giving you a 10. I have no idea who he even is.
haha. go watch MADMEN.
*cracks knuckles*
Overall, this looks really awesome! I've been itching to write a constructive review for a while, so please excuse if this comes off as un-needed or pretentious in any way. Just trying to offer some helpful insights and refine my critique process.
Perspective - The horizon doesn't quite line up straight across the picture, but that could be because of an un-even terrain, so not a huge deal.
Foreshortening - Seems stunningly accurate. Every feature looks perfectly sized, and nothing looks too big or too small in relation to its placement.
Outfit / Character Design - Pretty neat since you were going for a futuristic military outfit. It compliments her nicely. Maybe needs a little more protective equipment, though? Not sure what I'm saying, but when I picture a 'military' outfit, I think of a plethora of tools and equipment to fend off threats and potential combat. At least an arrow quiver?
Composition - Nicely centered - can't say anything negative about your choices.
Light Source - Her hair is the only thing that is bugging me. It should be backed in a bright outline, because the sunset it directly behind her. Technically speaking, it would probably be blocking any sunlight from reaching her face, too.
Background - I really appreciate that you put so much detail into the background. Most people just cheap out and do something thought-less or simple. Kudos for making it interact with your character!
Au contraire, thanks a lot for the review, that's the idea behind a community, I agree with your thoughts (specially the one about the quiver which I totally forgot XD) I thought that blocking all light will make it look too dark or plain in colours, but you are completely right, thank you very much, and I mean it, since it comes from someone with real knowledge ove this things.
(The only thing I found pretentious was the knukle craking, but may be just because it scared me XD, JK, LOLed about it)
Read you around Sab.
Direct any business inquiries to sabtastique@gmail.com, send a PM here, or hit me up on Instagram!
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09