You and your Na'vi... :P
Wow, sweet!
Just out of curiosity, did you end up using a brush for her bio-luminescent spots? They're just in such a straight line, it looks really neat. :3
You and your Na'vi... :P
Wow, sweet!
Just out of curiosity, did you end up using a brush for her bio-luminescent spots? They're just in such a straight line, it looks really neat. :3
Haha, busted on my Na'vi crush. Yeah, I used a special brush I made just for this. I've also found it to be good for making exotic plants and stuff. 'Spacing setting' in the brush making tool in photoshop helped the most. Thanks. ^_^
D'as hot.
Haha, this is still one of my favourites.
It's hilarious. xD
A 10?! Thanks! It's a Christmas miracle!
Aw, dude... You're awesome! 8D
A Flash Pokedex would be a FREAKIN' AWESOME PROJECT!!!
Has it ever been done before..?? I must look into this! :O
My only worry is that we'd have wayy too many pokemon to compile all at once. We'd probably have to stick to one pokedex -- like the original 151, or Silver/Gold, or Black/White, then depending on its success, we could add to it, or just let it be. :P
Thanks again for taking part, Joe! You've inspired me to whip up some more! :P
Oh, thanks a lot; I'm really happy you liked it!
Curious enough, my worry is exactly the opposite: If we could manage to get at least 40 watchable entries, I'd be more than satisfied... I think that posting bigger versions in the Portal will help notice a lot of good artists that don't come to the Forum about the project and I'm sure we'll need ALL the talent we can get.
So, more of one entry would be allowed? Mmm...
Maybe if I can scratch a bit spare time...
Colourful light sources ftw.
Awesome! Love the eyes, and your use of the gradiented lines in her hair and the fire.
Might I ask what program and tablet you use for colouring this beast of a drawing? :)
Photoshop CS4 and a Wacom Intuos 3 tablet. Sorry I always forget to add what I use for my art lol. Thanks for the 10! :)
Omigosh. I haven't told you this yet, but Jack PM'd me earlier with a great idea:
I should make this into a forum thread! Everyone can post their individual pokemon personas! :D I KNOW, RIGHT?! IT'S BRILLIANT.
As for the art, I'm lovin' it! lol
Totally faved.
Thanks sab
i don't know why but i just felt compelled to do it and knowing me i gotta get myself involved with EVERYTHING...(it's gotten me in a lot of trouble that way ¬¬;)
anyways i hope this catches on!
You really are a master with colour. I wish I could do backgrounds like you!
I usually bore myself to death with pointless detail and don't get around to finishing my artwork. You manage to make your backgrounds draw attention to the subject, rather than pull attention away from it, like mine do. :T
10/10 5/5
Thank you ^_^ !!! *huggle* !!
Hella cute.
That is just too cute for words. Makes me want to play some Melee/Brawl!
I love the simplicity of the colours, and how you masterfully kept things simple so that the two characters looked convincing in the same picture.
At the same time, I can't help but look at this in a 'America's Funniest Home Videos' perspective -- the way Link is balancing on that Pokeball, with Pikachu's weight offsetting it, he's bound to biff if this picture were capable of resuming into real-time. hehe
XD Thanks! I havent played the game in about a year, I want to SOOO bad, but my bro owns it.
HAHA I was thinking about the physics of this image and wanted to animate them slowly tipping over, haha, too bad links shield cant keep them propped up. x]
I fell in love with this as soon as I saw it. :B
Everything about it makes it look suitable for a billboard or cartoon series. It's just so colorful, balanced and pleasing to the eye. c:
Where'd you get the texture/pattern on her dress from?? I love it!
Keep it up, Mandie!
Sab XD Hi how was the gorilla run? :D
and thank you XD I got it from gimei at deviantart
I wish I had your skills when it comes to drawing/painting metal surfaces! I'm learning from you just by looking at this piece, so thanks!! :D
I really love the glowing/fiery interior, too. Nice job!
I wish I had your skills at drawing the female figure. Anyway, thanks for stopping by!
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University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09