DAYUM. Nice work! I can see why you're doing this for a living!
Hope they keep you on with all the badass comic babe covers. You've got a knack for it!
DAYUM. Nice work! I can see why you're doing this for a living!
Hope they keep you on with all the badass comic babe covers. You've got a knack for it!
Thanks a lot! Here's hoping <3
Holy crow, impressive work!! Kudos for following through and completing such a massive roster. I applaud your tenacity!
Thank you so much @Sabstastic! <3 I almost gave up a couple of times during the project but I played around and challenged myself to keep things fresh and I'm glad I pulled through <3
Love your line work!
Thank you :)
Dang! Your entire gallery is impressive. Keep up the great work. You've got a really distinct style.
This is probably the nicest thing that has been said to my work in a long time, thank you!
Awesome jooooooob! :O
Aww thank you friend!! :D
So that's how you can travel all over the place so frequently
I wish that were true. I need a giant pigeon to ride on
Cuuuute! I adore your take on Marcille with such a nostalgic style. Nice job!
Thank you so much!
How can I hire this art supply delivery lad full time, please
Aahh that'd be convenient (:
*Hooots, restocks paints and peanuts*
Oh cuuuute! I love the rendering and the concept. Great job!
heheh thanks , vampire daisy is REAL !!!
I resonate most with the two grimacing middle right cats lol
they didnt wanna get out of bed that morning
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University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09