So delighfully, crude - love it!
Gotta love the ol' eggs on a nail look on granny. hahaha
So delighfully, crude - love it!
Gotta love the ol' eggs on a nail look on granny. hahaha
Thank you :D!
I'm glad you like it.
Haha I had so much fun with this.
Aaah - cool! Never thought about using a cape like that for a pin-up...! o:
I just might borrow that idea someday.
Super awesome art - love your style!
Haha Thank you! YOUR art more amazing! >_<
This is a fairly new style for me 'cause I'm not use to posting naked chicks. lol
This -so- needs to be frontpaged. Awesome job.
Thank you so much :D
lol my mom's french so I totally got the title reference for this...
When we were kids she'd call a dick a 'zizi' and a vag 'bizun', as if we didn't know what they were ACTUALLY CALLED as children. Hah.
Man, this reads like a book...! I love it when art forces the viewer to really sit and decypher it. I had fun following along the loops for his legs and seeing things weave in and out of each other. So many details jam-packed into this image-- it's fantastic.
You must have had a heck of a time rendering this!
Keep up the great work. c:
oh great, i love to read this, cause exactly this was my intention. Creating a complex pattern which is like a quest the viewer have to solve. I like pictures which you can't perceive with just a single glimpse but with looking around for a while and maybe getting lost in it.
the rendering was so much fun! i really got lost in. it was like meditation
Jesus Christ I completely feel your pain. I HAAATE when people mistake my work for "Anime".
...Mind you, I think my style's a tad more 'sparkly-eyed' than yours, so it's ALMOST acceptable to confuse the two... >.> ALMOST...
Do you have places I can follow you elsewhere by the way? Like twitter and facebook and stuffs?
Haha, thanks. I knew I wasn't the only person. Well, you can go to my comic's facebookpage: "Dork Toes (comic)". Also, there's a tumblr lately: dorktoes(dot)tumblr(dot)com.
So, that's a couple things you can follow :D No twitter though.
Oooooo pretty texture applications <3
Well done!
Thank you :)
I see you've been bitten by the bug too - SO FRIGGIN' ADDICTING. ILOVETHISGAME.
I made one little face and just COULDN'T STOP.
Really love your 'heck' designs btw. That first glitched version where your little dude teleported into a hole was SO IMPOSSIBLE - I only ended up beating it because the game had a timer glitch when I played it haha
This is perfect for a promotional poster! It's got pretty much all of the elements of the game jam-packed into it! :D ...
Kinda jelly that you got to hop on the bandwagon with beta testing this game at such an early point. BUT YOU OBVIOUSLY CONTRIBUTED lots of super fun / challenging content so KUDOS on being good at both the 'artistic' part as well as the level programming. c:
Don't stop being awesome! :D
I am glad I got to test this, I think if not, the anticipation would have made my head explode!
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University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09