In responce to your review on Pickletoez's Art...
Look, "Fartmaster":
I personally think that somebody who has only ever submitted "fine art" as a joke shouldn't have a very worthy opinion of -anyone's- art. You aren't even scouted on Newgrounds. What makes you think anyone is concerned about your artistic critique?
If you think about it, ANYTHING can be considered fine art, so i'm curious:
What's your definition of "fine art"?
Also, why would you just insult someone like that, totally unprovoked? ... I mean, it's one thing that she's my little sister, so you could probably understand my disappointment when some NG nobody decides to anonymously trash her artwork. Naturally I'd be the first one to stick up for her, but really: what did she ever do to you?
Obviously Pickletoez is FAR more talented than you could ever hope to be, so until you submit something that doesn't look like you shit it out in 5 minutes on MS paint, the point of this review is really only to verbally bitch-slap you right back, and maybe give you a slight taste of your own medicine, because you've probably been doing exactly this to other people.
Good day.