... And I'm never programming anything ever again.
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Sabtastic/310523 8
Note: Gotta poop on the car 5 times to win
(Music was all borrowed from Newgrounds!)
Direct any business inquiries to sabtastique@gmail.com, send a PM here, or hit me up on Instagram!
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09
Posted by Sabtastic - February 14th, 2013
... And I'm never programming anything ever again.
http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/Sabtastic/310523 8
Note: Gotta poop on the car 5 times to win
(Music was all borrowed from Newgrounds!)
Posted by Sabtastic - February 12th, 2013
Learn how to use artistic style to express character and emotion effectively
in this short 15 minute tutorial recorded, narrated and drawn by yours truly! :3
Check it out!
The whole thing got recorded because of a University class, so if it seems overly formal, that's why.
Hope you guys like it!
Let me know what you think!! :D
Posted by Sabtastic - January 30th, 2013
I haven't updated in ages so I thought I'd take the time to feature some amazingly talented and dedicated users here in the NG Community. They're all worth following, all regular contributors, and all super friendly--- and all GIRLIES LIKE ME! <3
In no particular order, here are some of my FELLOW SISTAHS of NG that spend time contributing content to this massive sausage-fest of a website. ;3
[Sucho on twitter]
If you haven't already heard of her, Sucho's a crazy-talented artist and significant other of HappyHarry, another superstar Newgrounds user. Together they've worked on some super popular toons such as Starbarians, Hiding in Plain Sight, and Song of Skyrim -- but she's also a heavy-hitter on her own! Her intricate hyper-realistic monster artwork graces the art portal and the front page on a regular basis, so if you haven't taken the time to check her out yet, you are SERIOUSLY MISSING OUT!
Go look at her gallery right meow.
[Jaxxy on twitter]
This successful lady has recently tied the knot with tomamoto, another super popular Newgrounder! Jaxxy (or should I say, Mrs.Tomar) never ceases to amaze me. She can draw anything - even on the spot. Recently she's been doing a lot of weekly live art streams (on Wednesdays) where she takes art requests from viewers! If you have the chance, I'd highly recommend you take the time to visit her site and subscribe to her and her hubby on Youtube.
Together they've published awesome toons that you really shouldn't miss!
[Caxx on twitter]
Caxx has been very active as a voice actor lately with the Newgrounds community. I know her best for her work voicing Zone-Tan from ZTV news! She works together with her bro Redminus, and they're Canadian, too! :D Not only is Caxx a talented voice actress, she also posts awesome artwork from time to time in the portal! It'd definitely be worth your time to subscribe to her channel on Youtube. She's voiced many popular toons that I'm sure you've seen! Here are a couple: [Wilhelm Park] [Nyan Caxx] and [ZTV].
[ReNaeNae on twitter]
ReNaeNae is a current forum moderator on Newgrounds as well as an active member of the community, and talented artist! She's usually seen facilitating a group projects, collabs, or exchanges here on NG, and always has something new and exciting in the works. Some of the works that I remember her for personally are: [The NG Art Worm] [The 2012 NG Advent Calendar] and [Too Scared to Dive]!
Drop by and show her some love!
[Pickletoez on twitter]
This one is kind of obligatory, seeing as this talented jack-of-all-trades is actually my little sister! Mel has been a little less active on Newgrounds these days, but since we live together, I constantly bug her to keep up with animation and her digital art. Mel, in a sense, is like my artistic twin. We both draw, but she excels in the aspects that I lack in. She draws 'adorable', I do 'sexy'. I draw 'fanservice' she does 'fantasy'. Together we exhibit artwork at local comic cons and exhibitions, which is one of our latest endeavors as professional artists.
Drop by! Leave her a comment! Tell her Sab sent you! ;)
[Nalem on Youtube]
I just recently discovered this gifted girlie when I was looking for users to feature in this journal! This talented artist-animator typically works with other big-shots on Newgrounds, like LeftHandedSock, Tomamoto, RicePirate, and Kirbopher! c:
Though I have yet to find out very much about her, she's animated many popular toons that I've previously enjoyed, such as: [Fenada 002], [Failor Moon], and [Draggin' Brawl Z]!
Make sure you drop by her gallery, too! She's got some awesome artwork there as well!
More Talented Lady-Folk that I have yet to write a blurb about:
[ cosmicdeath ]
[ morthagg ]
[ lovingthedark ]
[ morichax ]
[ voodoodollmaster ]
[ xxthumbsuckerxx ]
[ skarl3tte ]
[ comick ]
[ emily-youcis ]
[ jamsession ]
[ kashi ]
[ warlord-of-noodles ]
[ oink-moo ]
[ nicol3 ]
[ hnilmik ]
[ hania ]
[ artistgamergal ]
[ atheatricalsongbird ]
[ pixelcake ] <-- MANDIE IS MY PAL TOO, YOU GUYS
[ obliviousemi ]
[ wavechan ]
[ hikarian ] http://hikarian.newgrounds.com/
[ gusana ]
[ moondevourer ]
[ suncomes ]
[ shayl ]
[ troisnyxetienne ]
[ rupus ]
[ skaijo ]
Let me know if I missed anyone that you think deserves a mention. c:
(...And don't pay too much attention to the picture below.
I can personally confirm that the people mentioned above are in fact women. haha)
Thanks for readin'!
Carry on.
Posted by Sabtastic - October 25th, 2012
Probably one of the scariest experiences I've had on Canadian public transit. This happened to me and three other friends back in late 2009. We were about 18. I wrote a paper about it for a journalism class and recently found it again, so I had to share.
The 4 to Capilano was just about to leave West Edmonton Mall. My friends and I, four of us in total, boarded the bus, making our way to the back. Of the 9 available seats, 5 line the very back of the bus facing forward, and 4 face each other, bordering the inside walls. Alex took his seat on one of the inside 4, exhaustedly stretching out and throwing his bag into the seat beside him. Samson took a corner seat, closest to the window, while Taylor and I, a couple at the time, sat side-by-side, just next to Samson. A short time passed, as we waited for the bus to take off. Just seconds before it departed, a thin, middle-aged woman boarded the bus. She was dressed in very smart attire: grey stockings, heels, a black blazer-poncho, with graying blonde hair. She quietly took a seat across from Alex, directly facing him. There was nothing out of the ordinary about her.
Without exchanging glances, almost in comic unison, the four of us took out headphones and began listening to our own individual music. Samson, being the comedian of the group, yanked a headphone from Taylor's right ear. With no time for Taylor to react, Samson shoved a blaring headphone back in, from his own iPod. Death metal in one ear clashed with indie rock in the other. Samson blurted the statement, "This'll make your head explode!" Taylor, about to verbally back-hand Samson was interrupted by the elderly woman:
"I'll make your heads explode-every last one of ya!" Exclaimed the woman angrily. We paused, looking at each other, puzzled, unsure of whether or not she was trying to crack a joke. Unsure of how to react, we chuckled, assuming her wildly unexpected statement wasn't serious. The rant began. "It was all Samson's fault", recalls Taylor, thinking back to the situation, "This kind of stuff is always Samson's fault."
She began to rifle through her purse. Between angry mutters, she removed a hair straightener, as well as a piggy-bank-sized white porcelain ghost. "Snip! Snip! Snip! Snip!" she said while she rummaged. We listened on, confused and shocked, while adamantly avoiding eye contact. Placing the ghost in the seat beside her, she suddenly pulled long, razor sharp hairdressing scissors out of her bag. The kind with the rounded finger loops and startlingly pointed ends. 'Oh crap.' I thought. She began repeating the chant, snipping the scissors in our direction. "Snip! Snip! Snip!" I was frozen in fear, being seated closest to her at no less of a distance than 5 feet away.
Halfway through the 30 minute armed rant which involved hemorrhoids, Satan, whipping, cannibalism, and many other lovely things, she placed the scissors back in her purse. Alex, a particularly long-legged fellow, uncrossed his leg. Unintentionally stretching out a little too far, he kicked her foot. The talking stopped. The silence sent my heart rate through the roof. We all sat there anxiously, waiting for what she'd do next.
An empty beer can rolled with the lurching turn of the bus and was stopped by a nearby passenger's foot. I hadn't noticed him up until this point. The poor bastard was so terrified, he was reading The Life of Pi by Yann Martel-upside down.
Sure enough, the talking started again, only this time, kicked up a notch. A sudden jerking motion made by the woman caught my peripheral vision and I flinched, briefly making eye-contact with her. At that very instant, her hateful rant was funneled in my direction. She began muttering furiously about how I was all sorts of four and five letter words, then began repeatedly striking a pole on the bus with the back of her hand. A high-pitched 'ding' reverberated for every strike of her hand as the bones in her finger impacted with the stainless steel. She was hitting it surprisingly hard with her knuckles, even drawing blood. She started to force her own blood out with one hand, massaging it from her knuckles and pointing it in our direction. "See this? It's too pure for you! I bet you want it, but you can't have it!" She hit the pole a couple more times. "Think this hurts?" She then smudged the blood on the pole, wiping it on the chair she was sitting on. She then proceeded to remove a diamond ring and rolled up a sleeve, still making sure to point her wounds in our direction, showcasing them to our mortified gaze. Scraping the ring up and down her arm furiously, she began to draw blood on her forearm as well. At this point, I couldn't control the shaking of my hands, I looked up to notice another passenger approach the empty seat beside me. All of us simultaneously attempted in vain to signal him away, but he took a seat anyway. Immediately he realized his poor choice in seating, and pulled out a cell phone, pretending to be busy with a conversation, as he looked away in shock.
Finally, after a painfully long 30 minute bus ride, we arrived at our destination. Cautiously, we walked past the rambling, bleeding woman who luckily had put away her hairdressing scissors, which was our main concern. She muttered at us while we walked past her, single file: "Yeah, that's right. You leave." We did, gladly.
TL;DR version:
No. Fuck you. Suck it up and read.
Posted by Sabtastic - September 6th, 2012
So as of today, I'm back full-time at the University of Alberta...! WWWwoooOOOOooooo... :I
Taking my third year of Secondary Education with a major in Visual Arts and a minor in English.
That's a Bachelor of Education, for you who care --
I'm doing my "Introductory Practical Term" or IPT, which is where they throw us wannabe teachers into a school and see how well we teach. I'm super psyched, but I'm terrified at the same time. I don't technically start that part until November, but something tells me that the inner-city high schools I'll be teaching at are a hell of a lot different than the teensy little small-town schools I went to...!
So yeah, I'm probably not going to be updating a whole lot on here for the next little bit. Just a heads up. This one's gonna be a doozy!
Anyway, I really hope everybody had a decent summer!
Hope you all do well this fall -- whether it be in school, your careers or hobbies, etc.
Don't be afraid to hit me up with a PM while I'm in school, by the way...! I may be busy, but I'll still read your message!
Posted by Sabtastic - August 28th, 2012
So I finally got myself one of those new fangled Cintiq tablets...!! The 22HD one that swivels!
I saved for two years using money from the art commissions I did, so it's really gratifying knowing that 'my art' paid for something expensive that I really wanted. ^^ ...And the bamboo fun tablet that I got from Newgrounds in 2009 is serving a better purpose...! I've passed it down to my youngest sister who's drawing up a storm as we speak. :P
[ Watch this little Cintiq Tablet Product Demo ]
If you're into digital design/animation at all, you'll be drooling by the end of it -- these things are like the CADILLAC of tablets.
I'm finally selling some 'Sabtastic' originals, by the way...! If you're interested in buying some signed artwork prints from me, now's the time! It's super cheap, and all of the proceeds will be going towards my education / art supplies! There are stickers, buttons, posters, small card stock prints, and medium ones! ^^
[ Check out that Sabtastic Merch ]
(Sorry in advance, but it's on DeviantART. haha)
I also finished those Pokemon rageface stickers--- and they're for sale, too! (photo below)
Contact me by PM or e-mail if you're interested in having some mailed to you for a couple bucks. They're 2 dollars each, but if you buy 3 of them, it's 5 bucks (Canadian).
...Enjoy the rest of your summer, guys! <3
Posted by Sabtastic - August 16th, 2012
Spots are all taken!! Sorry if you missed the boat..
I won't be opening up commissions again for a while. Starting up my second last semester at University in September!
Thanks everybody!!
Want more than 2 characters?
It'll be 5 dollars extra per character.
How big is the sketch going to be?
9x6" card stock paper.
1. killerbunyy - vulpix duskull and wiglytuff
2. tammohawk - Female Demo Girl: TF2
3. tzarsectus - Helena Harper: RE6
4. zukahnaut Jareb and Miroto (OCs)
5. zukahnaut Hrothgar and Zukah (OCs) Drinking
6. closerrook's 3 OCs at a Tavern
7. wanderingtempest Tex and The Ego
8. ekrisshomaru Homestuck Troll Vriska Serket
9. TheifToASlave's OCs TJ and Ren
10. LegolaSS A Llama and Sabtastic wearing Aviators
Posted by Sabtastic - August 3rd, 2012
Hey folks! On August 11th and 12th, my sister Pickletoez and I will be teaming up to do our first ever art booth! The event is being held at Grant MacEwan City Centre Campus in Edmonton Alberta [where's that?], so if you live nearby, come and check it out!
Weekend: $45.00
Saturday $30.00
Sunday: $20.00
[map of artists alley]
My sister and I will be at table 5 and 6, right by the doors! We lucked out with this spot. Hopefully we won't be too hard to spot amid all of the other seriously talented vendors. Drop by and say hi! We don't bite!
[take a look at the other artists who will be there, too!]
(See attached image below or view a larger version here)
5$ for a 6x9" card
10$ for an 8.5x11" picture
20$ for an 18x24" poster!
1 for $2.00
3 for $5.00
6 for $9.00
$2.50 for a large pre-designed button, or 3 for $5.00
$1.50 for a small pre-designed button or 4 for $5.00
Custom buttons can be drawn and made on the spot for a little extra!
You an also request to make your own, so don't be afraid to ask! I'll provide the cut paper.
Absolutely! I've never done this before, so I've made a LOT of merchandise. Assuming there will be leftovers, I'll put it all up for sale right after Animethon to get rid of extra buttons, stickers, posters, etc... So stay tuned!! The rates will be the same, and you will need to have a paypal address to purchase anything!
Posted by Sabtastic - July 30th, 2012
Hey you dudes!
Guess who officially got accepted as an artist for Anime-thon...? And guess who got sexy lady prints piled high?! YEAH I DID.
It's like a small-time comic con, but obviously more focused on Anime. It only costed a total of 60 bucks for the table and a weekend pass, so I figured this would be pretty good practise to see if people dig my work enough to buy it! My sister Pickletoez and I are teaming up, so we're covering all the bases. She's got the super 'kawaii' stuffs, like Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Adventure Time, and I've got the artwork related to video games, like Left 4 Dead, Zelda, Pokemon, and a couple of obscure Animes.
We've ordered two custom button-presses (small + large) too, and they're amazing so far. I can't get enough of these stupid things. That, and I FINALLY PRINTED MY WEATHERPROOF LASER CUT POKEMON RAGE FACE STICKERS. YEAH BUDDY!
Anyway, my big days are August 11th and 12th...! If you live in Alberta, Canada, you should totally hit me up and make arrangements to check out my booth! If not, just wish me luck!! I'll be selling off the leftover product online once it's over.