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University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

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A True Story CreepyPasta ... Just in time for Halloween!

Posted by Sabtastic - October 25th, 2012

Probably one of the scariest experiences I've had on Canadian public transit. This happened to me and three other friends back in late 2009. We were about 18. I wrote a paper about it for a journalism class and recently found it again, so I had to share.

The 4 to Capilano was just about to leave West Edmonton Mall. My friends and I, four of us in total, boarded the bus, making our way to the back. Of the 9 available seats, 5 line the very back of the bus facing forward, and 4 face each other, bordering the inside walls. Alex took his seat on one of the inside 4, exhaustedly stretching out and throwing his bag into the seat beside him. Samson took a corner seat, closest to the window, while Taylor and I, a couple at the time, sat side-by-side, just next to Samson. A short time passed, as we waited for the bus to take off. Just seconds before it departed, a thin, middle-aged woman boarded the bus. She was dressed in very smart attire: grey stockings, heels, a black blazer-poncho, with graying blonde hair. She quietly took a seat across from Alex, directly facing him. There was nothing out of the ordinary about her.

Without exchanging glances, almost in comic unison, the four of us took out headphones and began listening to our own individual music. Samson, being the comedian of the group, yanked a headphone from Taylor's right ear. With no time for Taylor to react, Samson shoved a blaring headphone back in, from his own iPod. Death metal in one ear clashed with indie rock in the other. Samson blurted the statement, "This'll make your head explode!" Taylor, about to verbally back-hand Samson was interrupted by the elderly woman:

"I'll make your heads explode-every last one of ya!" Exclaimed the woman angrily. We paused, looking at each other, puzzled, unsure of whether or not she was trying to crack a joke. Unsure of how to react, we chuckled, assuming her wildly unexpected statement wasn't serious. The rant began. "It was all Samson's fault", recalls Taylor, thinking back to the situation, "This kind of stuff is always Samson's fault."

She began to rifle through her purse. Between angry mutters, she removed a hair straightener, as well as a piggy-bank-sized white porcelain ghost. "Snip! Snip! Snip! Snip!" she said while she rummaged. We listened on, confused and shocked, while adamantly avoiding eye contact. Placing the ghost in the seat beside her, she suddenly pulled long, razor sharp hairdressing scissors out of her bag. The kind with the rounded finger loops and startlingly pointed ends. 'Oh crap.' I thought. She began repeating the chant, snipping the scissors in our direction. "Snip! Snip! Snip!" I was frozen in fear, being seated closest to her at no less of a distance than 5 feet away.

Halfway through the 30 minute armed rant which involved hemorrhoids, Satan, whipping, cannibalism, and many other lovely things, she placed the scissors back in her purse. Alex, a particularly long-legged fellow, uncrossed his leg. Unintentionally stretching out a little too far, he kicked her foot. The talking stopped. The silence sent my heart rate through the roof. We all sat there anxiously, waiting for what she'd do next.

An empty beer can rolled with the lurching turn of the bus and was stopped by a nearby passenger's foot. I hadn't noticed him up until this point. The poor bastard was so terrified, he was reading The Life of Pi by Yann Martel-upside down.

Sure enough, the talking started again, only this time, kicked up a notch. A sudden jerking motion made by the woman caught my peripheral vision and I flinched, briefly making eye-contact with her. At that very instant, her hateful rant was funneled in my direction. She began muttering furiously about how I was all sorts of four and five letter words, then began repeatedly striking a pole on the bus with the back of her hand. A high-pitched 'ding' reverberated for every strike of her hand as the bones in her finger impacted with the stainless steel. She was hitting it surprisingly hard with her knuckles, even drawing blood. She started to force her own blood out with one hand, massaging it from her knuckles and pointing it in our direction. "See this? It's too pure for you! I bet you want it, but you can't have it!" She hit the pole a couple more times. "Think this hurts?" She then smudged the blood on the pole, wiping it on the chair she was sitting on. She then proceeded to remove a diamond ring and rolled up a sleeve, still making sure to point her wounds in our direction, showcasing them to our mortified gaze. Scraping the ring up and down her arm furiously, she began to draw blood on her forearm as well. At this point, I couldn't control the shaking of my hands, I looked up to notice another passenger approach the empty seat beside me. All of us simultaneously attempted in vain to signal him away, but he took a seat anyway. Immediately he realized his poor choice in seating, and pulled out a cell phone, pretending to be busy with a conversation, as he looked away in shock.

Finally, after a painfully long 30 minute bus ride, we arrived at our destination. Cautiously, we walked past the rambling, bleeding woman who luckily had put away her hairdressing scissors, which was our main concern. She muttered at us while we walked past her, single file: "Yeah, that's right. You leave." We did, gladly.

TL;DR version:
No. Fuck you. Suck it up and read.

A True Story CreepyPasta ... Just in time for Halloween!


All I can think of is Emptygoddess' post about running with scissors from a while back. I guess she finally hit rock bottom.

lol I haven't seen this post, but I want to--

Too much to read, summarize that shit.

Your loss I guess.
Sorry it wasn't engaging enough.

Sounds like a perfect character for FX's "American Horror Story: Asylum" wonder if was freaking out because her job was to sit in a cubical all day...

With the way she was ranting at the time, it sounded like she was having some kind of mid-life crisis related to her career. I can't really remember the fine details anymore, but the other friends that were there think that she could have been on something REALLY strong. lol

I laugh about it now, but that shit had me shuddering for days.

I'm with the robot


Should have figured people would want a TL;DR.
Ah well.

Sounds like a paranoid psychotic though some sort of drug use may also be posable, perhaps even a combination of the two. I hope she got some kind of help.

Yeah... To this day I still have no clue as to what was wrong with her.
Maybe it was all some elaborate acting challenge and we were just being punk'd.

holy crap, even reading that story was terrifying, can't even imagine how that must of been first hand. I was almost expecting her to draw pentagrams with her bleeding arm and start chanting to whatever gods she worships, who then cause shit to get real, then everyone on the bus dies a bloody gruesome death.. buuut... this ain't the movies... but god damn

Sounds like a Slayer fan. Slayer fans often adopt the offensive-to-the-core approach of the band's lyrics to mess with people, although it could also have been psychiatric illness (perhaps bipolar) paired with a desire not to be seated with a bunch of upstarts listening to death metal and punk at the same time in different ears.

But to be quite honest, why not--for next year--adapt this into a Flash? Or conversely, have it optioned for an adaptation by one of the authors around here? "Based/Inspired by True Events", so you can embellish the story even further. Or, write a short story, making up the rants as they come to you.

Or, you can be like me and just click on the "Tom Araya Scream" (look it up) and blast that a few times to blast off the rage. Another good one: "Slayer Likes Satan... and Hell!" (on YouTube), which will get you to laugh a little about people's fixation on horror and evil. Or, do what I do and volunteer at a Halloween Haunted House with your sick fuck buddies to generate some moolah and community cred. Whatever passes the time until the next stop, right?

I'm sorry to hear that you and your friends had to go through that. How was your paper graded? Hopefully high enough that the disturbing experience was (almost) worth it. On a side note, I don't think you need a TL;DR summarized version; the picture you included should do the trick. If people need more context, include a caption that says "Read the story to find out why this is a creepy weapon." Done.

We all survived--- gave us a pretty good story to talk about, that's for sure!

I can't remember what I got on this paper, actually, but I did a lot better in that class than I did in most English courses because I was allowed to stick to my comfort zone (re-inacting moments/stories).

P.S: I did end up adding in a TL;DR. I think you'll like it. ;D

It's worth the read, and you did very well describing it. Aesthetically pleasing despite the subject matter :3
My guess is that she is (was) a social worker or someone who works with the insane... or someone who has fallen off her anti-psychotic meds. There are programs that provide grooming and business attire to poor or challenged people. As for the self mutilation, I've never understood that; though the concept of being addicted to certain activities (neural chemical addiction) is not new to gamblers, thrill seekers, morally and physically deviant behaviors.
That chick was on some weird head trip :P

Well, thank YOU! :D
I'm glad you enjoyed my creepy little tale. :D

I still have no fucking clue as to what was wrong with her. :D

wow someone should make a flash movie or something about this story


The worst thing to happen to me on a bus was a bus driver furiously yelling at her passengers in a thick Russian accent regarding whether they wanted to come home alive or not, this is certainly more unsettling though.

TL;DR is for casuals.



no more reading twilight for that lady.,

thanks Sabby, that was fun!!

Anytime, Jose! Haha

That's probably one of my best, but I've got more where that came from!

I...I want to share this with other people! That was some crazy ride there, Sab!

Go for it...! lol Just make sure to mention me or something, please!

Meanwhile, in Canada...

HAHA, right!?
Everyone has this silly happy-go-lucky sugar-coated opinion of Canada.
We have just as many weird psychos on the streets as any other country. xD

I thought at first that maybe this was going to be related to that one time a dude got decapitated on a Greyhound. Still pretty crazy though.

HAH - oddly enough that happened in Edmonton, too!!!
That was the guy from like 2 years ago, right?

.......Since i'm living in Canada I have no idea what to think now........
Them people be crazy!! O_o

Ah, you can get crazies where ever you go.
This was like a once in a lifetime show. lol


NO WAY MAN, I thought I told you this story--!

oh, WOW!

Like my storyyy? <:D

haha I actually had to hand this in for a class, so it's a little better than my typical journal stuff.

Crazy old ladies with diamond rings and hairdressing scissors have never been so...
Well written. ;P


It was for a college course. Had to be at least semi coherent. lol
...Stil true, though!

That's pretty damn scary. I love scary shit but I most likely wouldn't have had the luck of being with friends. One time I was almost abducted by some guy when I was 8 at night...not one of my best memories from my youth :(

Yeah, no doubt. I'm SO glad that my friends were around for this.
I'd have probably shat myself. lol

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