For the first time on friday, I decided to show up at a drop-in session for nude figure drawing (drawing naked people). I've been wanting to give it a try it for AGES, but was never really brave enough. So, seeing as a lot of people naturally share in that awkwardness or reluctance, I thought that I should share my experience!
Here's what I drew & how it went!
(don't worry, I picked some really G-rated sketches for you. Only butts.)
So, obviously, (scroll down) as you can see here, our model was female. Not the wrinkly old hairy/fat man I prepared myself to see. She was actually pretty too, so it lessened the awkwardness of it all. Now, this experience may vary. I'm not saying that everyone's going to get the ideal model on their first visit. For all I know, you could be that sorry sucker to end up with the old fat dude. So that's pretty much your only concern.
I was honestly so relieved that the model turned out to be of the same sex. I don't know if I'd quite have been ready for a stranger's wang in my face for four hours straight, being my first time and all... That's right. Four hours. D: Almost makes you feel sorry for the model, right? Trust me, though. It flies by. They're paid well, too. lol
Anyway, the session started off with a bunch of 2-5 minute "warm up" poses to sketch (the image on the right). Slowly the time limits increase to 10 minuntes, 15 minutes, and finally the last three or four 20 minute sketches (left). The poses change for every time limit, but the artist sticks to drawing the same model. Some places do it differently, I assume.
As far as medium type went, everyone had their own personal preference. The session was un-instructed, so nobody told you what to do, or critiqued your methods. I brought a mechanical pencil and sketchbook, but there were people there using card paper, charcoal, ink, you-name-it. One that caught my attention was the person sitting next to me, using an intuos 4 and his Mac. (note to self: bring tablet next time) Dx
His sketches turned out amazingly well, half because he was the only one capable of using such an accessable, limitless palette. Really made me want to come back for the sake of trying it all out digitally.
So, yeah! As you can see from the sketches, as long as you go in there with the mind-set that it's all for education, you'll quickly forget that you're drawing a total stranger in their birthday suit. :thumbsup:
If you want to see more, i'll probably be posting the sketches on DeviantART.