Direct any business inquiries to sabtastique@gmail.com, send a PM here, or hit me up on Instagram!

Sabrina @Sabtastic



University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Joined on 7/3/09

Exp Points:
2,838 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.85 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
9y 7m 4d

Thanks guys, but...

Posted by Sabtastic - December 8th, 2009

After getting a bunch of Personal Messages about the same general things, I figure I should just put this out there to answer them all in one shot. I really don't mean to sound like an ass, but it's gotta be said. I'm spending more time checking PMs than I am drawing. :c

Here goes nothin! :O

1. MSN: I don't plan on adding you to MSN because you just want to talk. I'm really never online anyhow.. <:)

2. Xbox Live or Steam: I have xbox live and steam, but I will not give you my gamertag/username nor am I interested in yours. I'm sure you're a cool person, but I don't know you.

3. Free Drawings: I do not want to draw your character or comic idea, especially if you have no intention of hiring me and paying for the artwork. I'm far too busy with paying clients, side-projects and personal projects to do freebees right now.. :C

4. Commission Inquiries:If you are going to ask me about commissions, please at least have the money up front, or get set up with PayPal before contacting me... I don't like spilling my heart out about rates and wasting time e-mailing back and fourth, thinking I have a new customer only to be blown off later because they're "broke".

5. Scouting: No, I will not scout you just because you asked. I'm sure your art is lovely, and you are a very talented person, but people will scout you eventually on their own.

6. What type of programs I use: Photoshop CS3 and a 6x8 Wacom Tablet. Sometimes Flash CS3, too.

7. Teaching you to draw: Though I am in school to be an art teacher, I really can't do anything to 'teach' you via. PM. The most I can do, is tell you to keep practicing and not to give up. Please just look up tutorials on NG or DeviantART. You'll learn WAY more from that than you will asking me.


So yeah.. Now that the awkward part is over-with, I wanna thank you all for the nice comments and positive feedback. I really don't mind the genuinely sincere messages..
Also, Flash isn't something I'm entirely familiar with, so after getting the frontpager, and hearing your words of encouragement, I definitely plan on taking another shot at it soon, so thanks again! <3

Cheers, and to those in school: I hope those last few weeks of school go well before the break! Good luck on those mid-terms and finals!
I'm done until January 6th as of this monday. Woo hoo!

Thanks guys, but...


Can you draw me a bird for my actiongame?

haha jokes aside, you deserve the award, I liked the sketchbook! :)

lol thanks man. :P

Congratulations on the Front Page. It was nice to take a look through the sketches that didn't make it to the portal. Fascinating stuff as it was. Anywho, it's good to know that you're going to try to branch out into Flash later down the line, I think you'll end up enjoying it a great deal.
Who knows, release enough of it and you may be (at least from what I remember... Damn I've been on this site for a long time, remember when the chickens at the top of the Banner and the weird robotic "Newgrounds Dot Com" sound? Not many others do, either) the first Queen of the Portal.

And uh... Congratulations on your flocking messages?

Okay, not gonna lie, it's secretly my dream to be one of the very few female NG mods/flash queens. lol *classic nerdy chuckle-snort*

That aside, thanks a lot for the congrats! c:
I was surprised that something so simple and crappy would get any attention at all, besides from the few people I know on here.

Oh man. Also: Are you guys getting this crazy weather too? D8> Not sure where you live exactly, but It's been -30 for the past couple of days, and we have over 2 feet of snow on the ground in most places. The roads are NUTS. o:

On that last note, it's been cold... Like, let's say, the average of 40 degrees in California, near San Francisco. Stupid cold for here, but not that cold of negative thirty. That's just down right insanity. It hasn't been this cold here, in a looooong while. Sadly, I can't drive the roads, being a Freshman at a Academy college has its disadvantages for a first year... At least I get to live on a ship next semester? Hopefully that will be alright.

So your a free lance artist? Interesting, I myself am a free lance logo designer although my drawings are put to shame compared to yours.

However it does surprise me that you dont use Illustrator. But then again, your an artist so i guess you wouldn't use it correct?

That must be overwhelming; it's not a jackass move to speak out for it :]

I hoped it wasn't.. <:)

Fair point my lady you must get bugged all the time for stuff

aint got no bugging for ya, but did just have a swatch at the sketchbook

brilliant, liked the 'MOM' from dad n me (or ma where i'm from..........call her ma lol )

Hey thanks.
'Preciate it. :)

Laughed at first two points.
"Up yours!" for all net flirty bastards.

I tried to be as nice about it as possible.. xB
...Still too harsh?


*wheeze* D:

Congratulations on the frontpager, Sabtastic! :3

Maybe one day you can become a famous artists, Eh?

*crosses fingers and knocks on wood* :B

January 6 th is my birthday!

Congratulations on the front page!

Well well well!
Happy very early birthday! :D

In school to be an art teacher, huh? That's pretty sweettastic, and if you're as adorable as you sound in writing, you'll pretty much be everyone's favorite teacher ever, I think. :P

Anyway, nice inbox. It's entirely understandable where you're coming from - at this point you have thousands of fans and are gaining more every day. If you tried to be bffs with everyone you'd be driven to insanity. And that would suck.

Just out of curiosity (because, lol, I'm broke as shit, can't even afford L4D2 yet >.>), what is your general price range for commissions? Obviously it would vary, but... ballpark figures?

Hah, you cad, you. ;D
Nothing but complimens. :B

The ranges in commissions are preetttty varied, but here are a couple rough ballpark figures for different categories of commissions:

Simple Cleaned Up Sketch = 25-30 (with monochrome shading)
Fullbody = 60-90 (assuming that it's in color and not a sketch) (90+ if you want an intricate painted background)
Bust = 30-45
Portrait = 25-40
Chibi/Simple and Cartoony = 25-40 (+10 per extra character)
Comic = 20-40 (one panel, color) 30+ (more than 1 panel)

Again, it's pretty varied. Some people are picky, and others don't care what they get, so the prices are proned to jump around. c:

Thanks for askin'!

Im going to put the Little sabtastic thing you did in one of your post, The one with all the tastics, On my facebook and tag away. if thats ok with you anyway.

Oh. lol Like a friend-labelling meme?
Sure, man. Go for it.

..Could I ask that you throw in a link to my page somewhere in the description though? I don't think I put a signature on that one, so I'd appreciate it.

*reads some of your PMs*

"sexist reviews on... su..."

And it has a happy smiley?! What was that? You have some weird fans. I also find it funny how almost all of those are about drawings or stuff.

It said "Sexist reviews on your submission" :P
They were just mentioning that there were a lot of stupid trollers saying pretty rude things about the fact that i'm a girl. Like "Tits or GTFO", etc.

Why can't some people get over the fact that i'm a female artist on NG? >:\

The image is kinda small, so at a glance I thought it said "sexiest reviews." I'm sure that would be a very interesting message to receive... Actually it'd be straight up awesome, and more likely than not, a slice of comedy gold (which I'm sure is delicious!).

On an unrelated note, someone earlier was saying how it would be cool if Sab could one day be a famous artist... but Sketchbook already has nearly 80k views. That's a drop in the bucket compared to some of the most popular flashes on NG, but it's still a hell of a lot, and while Sab certainly isn't Monet-famous or Kinkade-famous or Picasso-famous (but unlike Picasso, Sab has talent [:<), famous on Newgrounds has to count for something.

I could rant on and on about it, but I think it was an innocent mistake, so I'll let it slide this time. But watch out, buddy, the rabid fans are onto you! ;p

Haha - nah, it was allright. Nothing weird or overly hillarious. :P
Was somebody just bringing to my attention the fact that a couple trollers were saying rude things about the fact that i'm female.

..Actually, want to know something fairly depressing? :o
I've been on DeviantART for about 5 years, and have only just barely cracked 75K. Here on NG, I submit ONE flash, and I get that in like a week! D8

lol Not really "depressing", I guess, but still makes you think about the differences between sites. :P

Also, holy cow. lol Thanks for the Picasso compliment. XD
I wonder if I could put "famous on Newgrounds" on a resume. >:3

Lawl, people PM you to get free art?
Hah, that's rather stupid...there's no such thing as a free meal (unless it's a flash on NG :D)
Anyways, congrats on your high-scoring flashes and awesome pics.
On a site note, l think that you'd make a great art mod, but l guess that you have your hands full ATM :P

Kinda makes sense since there is people that might be able trick you or use you either way still great thinking I should make my own rulez as well in my website.

P.S. I started a little bit all over in my website which is still under management, because I saw TheRealShadman and it was awesome and that is why I started a little bit all over again, because I want my website to be awesome as his.

I'm jealous, I've been having the shitiest combination of weather. No snow, but its gotten below 20 and the skies are clear (which tell me to get ready to freeze my ass off tomorrow) and then theres the MF sun. It warms you up (if your standing in the right place) and then you get the bitter taste of cold 2fold. I want some damn snow this winter!!!! And now that thats out of the way, I think it would be awesome to see some flashes from you, of course it does take some time to just get the animation done to include the detailed art you make, but it could easily become a success. Oh and I couldnt help but remember my art teacher. so far I've had about 3 of her classes. She's awesome and she's in her early 20s. I just thought that might be inspiring to you incase your nervous about being a tacher. Hope to see some flashes some time next year

Sorry to hear you're getting shitty weather too, man. :C
It's been nuts here too. -25 on average, without the wind chill, and with 2 or 3 feet of snow to boot!!

..Where abouts do you live again? Canada or the states? I'm surprised if anything but sunshines and sprinkes are pouring out of the skies if you're living in the states. lol Most parts are having freakin' SUPER weather.

I feel bad that your getting crap from people cause you're a girl. Some people are immature. Or it could be that their looking for an excuse because they are jealous. Best thing you can do is ignore it. You really cant do much, especially through the internet. You could make fun of them in one of your submisions but you gotta be careful about how far you go with it. Also, your gonna get a lot of fans. It is something all great artists deal with. Just read a few and move on. But make sure that you skim through to make sure you dont pass up anything special. Your a great artist and you'll be getting a lot more fan mail, spams, and complaints. It will get frustrating (especially with people asking for drawings) but if you can hold out long enough its gonna have its moments. If you can keep things under control and still make big changes and surprises, there will be a greater legacy that will be left when you're six feet under.

lol It's funny you mention that, actually.
I just posted a new journal about some specific trollers in particular. You gotta go check this one out. >XD It's so satisfying to call them/him out. >:3

A bit harsh , but you made your points really clear =3. W/e, congratz for the frontpage! Canadian on the front page w00T! PS: We had our first snowstorm today in Quebec City. That's awsome ! It makes me happy to see snow all over the place =3

Cheers ! Canada rulez!

Quebec city, eh? :D
I was born there!

Thanks, by the way!

Upset I am :( I wish I get alot of fan mail. Also your commision prices are huge D: ! I used to do commisions wen I was 16 XS but I feel bad accepting money for art.

Dude, if there's anyhing you shouldn't feel bad about, it's making money off of your artwork!! I don't care how worthless you might think some of your work might be, there are people out there that will pay a pretty penny to have you draw their character idea, tattoo design, hentai comic strip, or just some random charicature. Not kidding at all on this one man, trust me! ;)

If anyone ever tells you that you charge too much for your art, they don't deserve a minute more of your time because artists need to make money somehow, too.

Now get out there and make some mulah! :O

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