....Hey! o:
Now you have a background for mr.unfinished! :D :D :D :D
....Hey! o:
Now you have a background for mr.unfinished! :D :D :D :D
There's about 15 Mr. Unfinished(s) on my "productivism" folder I could not quite use this for all of them :U
guess I need to raise my wall drawing count a bit higher!
Muses make my day.
Lol. I love it when that happens.
Usually it takes me days on and off to draw something that I -kind of- feel like drawing. But every once in a while, you stumble across that one picture somewhere that inspires you to the point of wanting to crank out some drawings like there's no tomorrow.
Like this one! :D
Keep up the good work. :3
i know its not true, you know its not true, shaddup sab C:
More like a carousel of drama, action, comedy and suspense
I think I owe you a review! o:
First off: wow.
Did you need a reference for this? It's impressive that you're so good at the male face. I always had trouble drawing manly faces. Mine always turn out way too damn smooth or feminine. .. I think i might have a fear of wrinkes. o:
Anyway - Really lovin' the shading and smoothing.
And (i know you're probably going to want to huck something at me for saying this) but it really is a shame that you didn't feel like finishing this one! o:
I personally would love to see your full potential executed on this one. c: Even if it doesn't involve a background.
Keep up the good work!
Haha, thanks for dropping by!
At first, I did plan to use as a reference a picture of Morgan Freeman, and in fact, I was doing it when the lights went out [almost fractured my toe on my way back to my room(on a side note, I am smart)] and completely lost my progress, so the following morning I was too enraged because of having to start again from scratch and hurried the sketch so much I didn't even use a reference, although I used the photo again later for the skin tone. I miself would've loved to see this finished at a 100%, but the clothes were so troublesome and I had to draw them so many times I almost facedesked.
As for the lack of background, all the time, when I work on something for either a long or really short time, I usually say "Alright, I upload it today and update it later on with a background" and never finish it because of either laziness or wanting to start drawing something else and completely forget about it... nah, just laziness lol
oh, and by the way, don't think you owe me anything at all, I have a tendency to try to observe and point out what I like the most and the least, so I really enjoy writing reviews just as much as reading them, and I love getting nice reviews like yours, so worry not :D
Which classses are you taking?
..Nevermind. I'll PM that question to you, because I'm actually very curious and I want an answer that I won't forget to check. o:
I've been very keen on taking some fine arts classes next year. Though i've studied art HISTORY for the past two years, I'm really longing for some hands on art classes to polish my skills.
Aaaaanyway. Back to this lovely study.
A very nice activity to show off your virtuosity. It's such a bitch to immitate transparency and reflections sometimes.. Kudos to you. :D
The shadows in particular catch my attention. :)
Lol. JD lantern ftw.
Awesome idea. I really like the concept and how great of an excuse this was to play around with light sources. :)
Pretty sweet!
I love the motion you put into it.
The thumb kind of bugs me, however.. If I make the same fist with my hand, there's almost no way that my thumb would fold straight over my index finger with my pinky being flat on the table/surface without my index finger's knuckle being visible.
Maybe it's just the image blurred by motion that throws me off, though. :P
Anyway, nice work!
This ROCKS. ahaha getitgetit? :D
Man, you're on a roll this week! How do you submit this stuff so quick??
You're like an art assembly line!
I'm really lovin' the red glow coming from its joints.
sweet! it's sabs!
well recently i got laid off so i've been putting my resume out there and drawing. which is why i've been able to get so much done.
i added the lava joints to mix up his coloring scheme a little more and its also representational of when he loses his shield. after taking enough damage that his shield goes away his outer shell crumbles off and then he's all glowy lava-skinned.
thanks for stopping by with the high scores! always good to hear from you :D
Reminds me of...
Reminds me of the witch from left 4 dead!! oooo! CB
Great use of screentone-esque greys and blacks. Really captures the emotion behind such a sinister and depressing image.
Thanks~ ^.^
I love it when people review my art~
Thanks~ I tried making it a creepy and stuff~
Glad that you liked it :3
Direct any business inquiries to sabtastique@gmail.com, send a PM here, or hit me up on Instagram!
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09