Poor Zoey! D:
What an awkward situation! lmao
Poor Zoey! D:
What an awkward situation! lmao
The thing that just blows me away in this piece Lunq's sword! I just had to stare at it for a minute, taking in the awesomeness that is .."Steve"! lol
And the magnetic scabbard..? SWEET. Never seen anything like it. *thumbs up*
Again, great concept. I really love it!
5/5 10/10
haha great! so glad you dig it.
yes! another canuck! great artwork btw, us canadians gotta stick together!
the scabbard actually is the first thing i figured out on this guy, like before it was a guy it was a magnetic stasis scabbard, so i'm glad you've never seen anything like it! ;D
wowsers those are high scores! hooray!
Look at meee I'm writing a review while you're standing right behind me! OMG! 8D
Joking aside; great pic. I never thought you'd go through with drawing one of my side-characters. :B
Great Song
Love the pose, the expression, way you drew her back curved up like that. it all looks great. As usual!
.. The one thing that sort of bugs me, is the lipstick stamp in the background. It looks like it was blown up a little too big for what it was meant for, so it looks overly pixelated and distracts from the image.
You were quite right with the lips... I first tried to draw my own, but it was taking me too much time. So I tried to soften a bitmap, but in the frenzy of the last minute, I sorta blinded myself and I didn't do a good job...
Thus, I've edited the image for great justice. I think it looks better now, but if it doesn't, don't hesitate in telling me!
I really appreciate your comment. Thank you for posting it!
Holy Dragons, Batman!
Astounding work - the picture is just RIFE with detail. I love it.
The white glowing eye of the dragon really magnetizes your eye to the center of the picture, too.
Don't ever stop!! <3
5/5 10/10
I know you via RJ on DA then. The pic you made for his contest was great I really loved arvalis expression. specially the lower lip
Anyway thanks again, i really appreciate it.
Please don't cry! Your wrinkles get harder to draw
Old people's skin is always a hoot to try and draw..
It's worse than trying to draw still-life fabrics!
You nailed it though - great work! C:
(as usual)
Direct any business inquiries to sabtastique@gmail.com, send a PM here, or hit me up on Instagram!
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09