Magfest 2014's Animator's Panel featuring (from left to right)
OneyNG, El-Cid, Stamper, Spazkid, RubberNinja, Egoraptor, RicePirateMick, and Mystery Guy!
Day 2 at Magfest - At an Irish Pub: (from left to right)
Myself, El-Cid, Oney, Oney's Friend Paddy, Erica, LeftHandedSock, and CosmicDeath!
Day 3 at Magfest - the sports bar: (from left to right):
AlmightyHans, Myself, CosmicDeath, LeftHandedSock
Day 1 at Magfest - Suppertime at the Hotel (from Left to right)
Stamper, Myself, and RicepirateMick
oh man i hope i can go next year!
Sabtastic (Updated )
You'd really enjoy it - it's generally like a lot of other comic cons (really packed and kind of overpriced) but the atmosphere is great. Too many cool people to meet. c: