Alright so about two weeks ago, I posted six very misleading thumbnails to my art gallery for a kind of half-assed survey. The prank was by no means a serious survey, but it was made to narrow down what kind of female artwork the NG art portal appreciates more. In total there was a thumbnail of: 1. naked boobs, 2. a panty shot, 3. a suggestive mouth, 4. a bikini bottom shot, 5. a colourful eye, and 6. a woman's face. None of the artwork involved male subjects, so unfortunately I'm only going to be focusing on pinup art involving women. The whole thing was also meant to shed a little bit of light on how to get the most views possible without necessarily being the best artist ever. After two weeks, I stopped recording stats, so that's what the image below will reflect.
All in all, I'm really happy with the results LegolaSS and I gathered from this survey. Big thanks to him by the way, he volunteered to track views and scores for two weeks straight! The artwork created this HUGE dialogue between myself and the people who found it, and a lot of you offered your opinions and perspectives that I hadn't considered before, so thanks a lot for taking part and giving me the chance to get to know you all better! ...
ALSO I'M REALLY SORRY if I just pissed you off by tricking you over and over. 3:>
I PROMISE that the next pieces of art I post will be real! haha
+ Most of you probably already know how to crop your artwork strategically, but anything that looks like nudity, cleavage, a camel-toe, or a butt is guaranteed a few extra clicks.
Apparently on Newgrounds, according to this study; boobs are preferred.
+ An 'A' for Adult rating doesn't hurt your chances for getting more views, either.
The 'A' rated art submissions got at least 2-5 THOUSAND more views than the 'E' and 'M' rated thumbnails in this series.
+ In general, fan art that involves popular characters from games, movies, or tv shows will attract people from outside your webpage via keyword searches. Try creating content based on a fandom you enjoy.
In this case, Princess Zelda and Sailor Moon were the top contenders. They earned an average of 4.5 THOUSAND more views than the no-name characters.
+ Put a lot of effort into making your thumbnail look visually appealing and don't make it too vague. It's one of the key things that draw in your viewer (on Newgrounds, at least). Think ahead about where and what exactly you want to put in your thumbnail, and spend a little more time fine-tuning it.
- As predicted, the two thumbnails that only featured a face or an eye did the worst in terms of views (compared to the more adult ones).
- The two thumbnails that did the worst were also no-name, made-up characters. The popular characters from tv shows and games did much better.
Sooooo... That's pretty much it! Hopefully all of this wasn't just completely obvious and useless to you. The picture below should be the most helpful.
Certain thumbnails got featured/front-paged and some did not
Followers / Fans who have me favourited could have viewed the images without seeing the thumbnails at all.
The images were not all given the same maturity rating.
Some viewers may have looked for the rest of the fake thumbnails on purpose or viewed / voted multiple times.
Results could have been less skewed if I posted from a fake / new account.
Lemme just say that views aren't everything. Quality artwork will find its way to the top regardless of content, and you really shouldn't just pander to a specific audience because all you want is page views. Focus on your interests and talents, and cultivate the things you're really passionate about. If that happens to involve boobs and butts, then power to you! This was all just for fun and just a satirical, sociological observation, so I don't wanna hear about anybody's panties getting in a bunch because I'm subliminally calling certain types of art unpopular.
Wish I could say I'm shocked. :/
Time to draw some Princess Bubblegum porn for viewership then. Be back in an hour.
Haha yeaah...
It seems especially surprising that so many of the viewers for adult content come from outside Newgrounds.