So I've been here for a good couple days now.
Settled in, posted stuff, rated stuff, trolled Newgrounds to no end, watched some kickass flash collabs and played some great games, but i've noticed (or maybe I just haven't found them yet) that there's not really any artists' challenges or contests going on!
Anyone aware of some? .. Like, i'm not talking just a little contest held by a regular user (sorry) I'm talking full-blown Newgrounds Art Competitions! Even an art COLLAB would be okay -- I just really wanna do something to get myself involved and noticed here. lol
If anyone knows where to find any, or who to talk to in order to get one rolling, give me some feedback! :)
p.s: Went paintballing yesterday. I'm definitelyfeeling it now. We played against a scenario team, and they obliterated us! I was the second-last man standing, and ended up surrounded, so eventually I got nailed in the head, neck and ass. D:>
Got a whelt from another round too, my friend ran around a corner, saw me, freaked the hell out, and shot me in the knee from like TWO fucking feet away!! D8> FFFFFFF.