Direct any business inquiries to sabtastique@gmail.com, send a PM here, or hit me up on Instagram!

Sabrina @Sabtastic



University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Joined on 7/3/09

Exp Points:
2,838 / 2,840
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.85 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
9y 7m 4d


Go Sab
Glad to see you got a cintique...
I like your method. Maybe I'll try that. I generate alot of spare change.

Also Be sure to post about well the cons go.

Yay, thanks! :D

I used the same method to buy my other Cintiq three years ago. It takes a while, but it's really satisfying knowing that your artwork is self-sustaining. c:

Also, will do! I'm usually pretty cautious about not investing too much for vending art at comic cons, so I've always come home with some sort of profit. c:

A new Cintiq? Nice!
I had to go and have a baby. Probably just as expensive, though not as practical. It's okay - the wife helped.
and jeez, I've never attended a comicon/anime-fest-dress-uppy-thing, but if the wife and I head out to Edmonton in August, we've got to arrange a small NG meet up.
Where the hell you from, anyway? We're in swampy old Manitoba.
Gotta narrow down the cities these 'cons' are going to be held in case anyone's from those provinces. Where in Alberta & Sask?

Whoa, no way! Congrats on the new addition to the family! Is it your first?
That's such a huge life change - I'm really excited for you both!!

As for the comic con in August, it'll be in Edmonton! (also where I currently live). c:

I only read you just got back

lol then why did you bother to comment?

The one time you come to Toronto.... and I was busy :C


Apparently I missed a cameo from Redminus, too!! GODDAMMIT.

Yes, she's our first, and I'm pretty sure the missus wants her to be the last kid we have. lol
Awesome. I used to live right off Whyte Ave. Finished college out there, and didn't attain any 3D jobs. :( boo.
I genuinely miss Edmonton. We're bound to hit E-town this summer though, so if we end up missing the Animethon, we'll shoot you a message, see if you want to tag along for a luncheon. Gotta hit up Dadeo's & possibly Steel Wheels again.

Aw shit yeah - sounds good! Keep me posted!

dat exciting stuff

Ye. B)

When I grow up, I wanna be as cool as Sabs!

Congrats on all this recent productivity, gurl! Keep rockin'

Aww, Apa you're such a sweetheart. XD
Same to you!! We're overdue for a google hangout btw~!

I think your bootstraps might snap! Why not just do a whenever webcomic, for sleepycabin? Put some time in animating? Hope you don't lose your job lol!

Publishing a book might be premature... your high sociability and years of experience is an asset, but dealing with unknowns (teaching) for a school year, may give you an added perspective on any future publication/how-to.

Maybe someday @tomfulp can add a poll widget/pod to blogs one day! Glad you got to meet Emily :)

Haha I guess that could be a possibility...! I was also thinking about asking Nikki and Forosha (my two friends who run Floorbread comics) if I could join forces and post something weekly-- even monthly would be cool! Thanks for the idea btw. c:

Also I think you're right about the art book. It's do-able at this point but I could be getting a bit ahead of myself. I'd rather get some cohesive artwork under my belt to use as examples rather than just start from scratch if I want to take the 'how-to' approach.

SaskBlitz > Omegacon No contest :)
Too bad i got fired from my job for a knee injury(they were afraid i would sue them...)
No trips for me for a tad bit, Have fun though!

OOh one more thing before i forget, i just got my newest asus laptop and can begin modeling avatars again, would you happen to have a front back and top views of your character avatar sab? Just simple sketchs and i can add you to the avatar project listings?
im soo excited i can finally get back to work on this damn thing i've put off for so long!

Good luck at the vending endeavors!

I don't think I've ever heard of Omegacon before...! Wisconsin is quite a ways away from me anyhow.

Hope your knee injury heals up okay! o:

About those modeling avatars; I don't think I'll be able to make anything anytime soon unfortunately... :( It's not something I've made time for lately and it seems like projects just keep piling on. I'm still swamped with poster commissions from a year ago!

That cintiq looks dead sexy! I'm gonna come back ina month and ask you what you think, and then prolly buy one myself!

I'm thinking that I'll do some kind of a review or an unboxing video, just so my artist buddies can get a look at it.
For the most part, I'm getting this one because my 22HD isn't portable in any sense and I'm tired of working out of my bedroom. lol

I'll keep you posted!! :D Should be here in a day or two!

I'd like to state for the record that I highly enjoy penis.

Wow! What a coincidence!

...That was so not appropriate. lol Sorry.

I dont have a deviantart account, so i'll just comment here.
My first reaction to the poll was to say yes to a webcomic, but I dont want yours to get lost among the thousands that are out there. That isnt to say that yours wouldnt stand out with your fantastic art skills, I just dont like the thought of someone as talented as you not getting properly recognized.
Having said that, I think you should go for either the 'how-to' art book or art calender, as those would net you more profits, at least short term. If you arent worrying about cash flow right now(and have more free time on your hands), then I say go for the webcomic, as it could be more enjoyable to do.
Regardless of which you decide to do first, im sure i'll be pleased!

Yeah, I have an old 21ux, and it's so heavy and makes my back hurt, etc. I wonder if something lighter and nicer would make me art more.

Gyahh! Thank you so much for the shout out! I really appreciate it!! ; o ;

that cintiq looks sexy as hell, i want one so bad... to bad im broke :(
did you get a smudgeguard for it? heard it helps

Omg Smudgegards are the next best thing since sliced bread. I'm not even exaggerating. lol
You can totally just take a regular glove and snip off the thumb, index and middle finger, though. Same diff. Just has to be made of a material that doesn't grip.

The difference in drawing smooth lines with and without one is pretty surprising - you should try it out!

Hey gal!! I am so happy you have returned to the internet and my feed is full of sabtasticness.
I would love to see a webcomic by you for what it's worth! Hope everything else is good up that way. Continue drawing lady lumps!

Haha one thing's for sure; I'll always continue drawing lady lumps.

The webcomic, on the other hand-- we'll see where things go!! :D

Wow, SleepyCabin's really rad! It's cool to know that there's a site (besides Newgrounds) that helps out artists and animators branch out more in this industry. That, plus the dick jokes are hilarious.

One thing, though: I've noticed Newgrounds isn't on the list of SC's Partners; mind speculating what that's about?