Happy Birthday Sab
Cool age to be
Direct any business inquiries to sabtastique@gmail.com, send a PM here, or hit me up on Instagram!
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Joined on 7/3/09
Happy Birthday Sab
Cool age to be
lol the sad thing is, 21 is one of the last "cool ages" to be until like... 50 where you have one of those 'over the hill' parties.
Goodbye, cool birthday milestones!
*sends in the party zombies*
The best kind!!
Do heaps of 21-year-old related stuff! ...whatever it is that you "old people" do nowadays!
But seriously, have a great birthday!
You know it!!
... Time to complain about politics and sip lattes while driving a rented vehicle!! WOO~!!
Happy late B-Day!
Happy Birthday Sabtastic!
I hope you will have a amazing day with alot of joy!
If I was talented as you in art then I would have draw something for you..
So the only thing I can do now is just holding my thumbs and hope you will get a nice day!
And watch your art while your out and party xP
I just made this account so I could say happy birhtday to you XP
I have always been a Fan of your art, but today I decided I must thank my favorit artist by saying happy Birthday =)
Hapz to the b to the daaaaay! :D
I'm 22 today :P
Happeh birthday to us..
happy birthday, best wishes! :)
Happy Birthday Sab!!!!!!!
Happy B-day,
Happy Birthday Canadien student :D, go and buy some crack on your way home.
do some hard drugs like pcp or heroin to celebrate!!! :DDDDD
Oh no! I missed your birthday! :*(
Happy Sab's day! :D
Happy Birthday :3
That's all well and good. Too bad it's the same day as the ROYAL WEDDING!!!!!!!!! :D !!!!!!!!
But seriously, congrats.
lol! Oh, I guess I should have mentioned that it was yesterday on the 28th.. xD
deja vu... I think I wished you happy birthday... last year? Has a year passed already...? Nah. You must have a birthday twice a year =D
Awww, Happy B`day Sabb :3
I love you :D.....
I'm turning 21 Sunday. I'm assuming there's no nifty Canadian perks when you turn 21 because they actually treat you guys like adults up there when you turn 18.
Still, have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
lol! ...Yeah, pretty much. I think the only thing we can officially do at 21 that we can't already do as an 18 year old is legally rent a vehicle.
... I point out the "legally" part, because you could easily just... y'know... steal one.
*fuck yeah*